Thursday 11 August 2011


1. Least Effective ABS Exercise- Crunches & Sit-Ups

Performing Abs Exercises Such as Crunches, Sit-ups and Leg Raises.These are among the LEAST effective abs exercise for getting six pack abs. In fact, most traditional abdominal exercise do your abs more harm than good.
In just a second, I'll share with you what types of abs exercises REALLY work to sculpt your midsection.


 Everywhere you look, the diet food industry has literally stocked the shelves with their “low-carb” and “low-fat” diet foods. But these so-called “health foods” are actually nothing more than cleverly marketed junk foods.
Many of these supposedly healthy foods actually CAUSE your body to gain even more belly fat…but the industry won’t tell you that fact. Instead, they will continue to lie to you so they can make millions at your expense.

six pack abs

Cardio is definitely NOT the best way to lose belly fat and reveal your six pack abs. Most people who make this mistake end up hitting plateaus they can never overcome. Below, I'll show you totally unique workouts that will burn 300% more fat than any cardio workout ever could!

As you embark on your effort to sculpt your six-pack, you a need to factor in effictive weight loss and super body-toning through a high-intensity cardio workout. Other important parts of your regimen are diet modifications, different high-intensity workouts and abs exercises.
Follow these simple instruction regularly to have six pack abs.

* Get yourself checked for high blood pressure, heart troubles etc before starting any high-intensity workout, especially those that challenge your heart

* Start with a low-intensity, short workout.

* Initially start with just a few minutes of a few cardio exercise: power walking, spot jogging. Then increase at a slow but steady pace (around 10 per cent every week) to work up to 15 to 20 minutes over a few weeks, increasing the length of the routine and the variety of abs exercise

* Do a combination of four to five exercises. This takes the pressure off the knees and keeps your interest level high.

* Work with a trainer to ensure the workouts are regularly modified to challenge your muscle and to remove boredom.

* Even in simple exercises, learn to introduce variety. For instance, when spot jogging or jumping, learn to jump sideways to make it more challenging. You can also twist-jump later to intensify the challenge.

* Always do some power stretches before you start and cool down after a workout.

* Workout at least four times a week if you intend to get a six-pack.


dietThat’s right, you heard me! The truth is, 95% of all dieters fail in the long run. If people really knew how to eat properly to lose fat, we would all look great, and dieting would cease to exist completely. In just a moment, I'll show you the nutritional key to effortlessly losing even the most stubborn belly fat.

Well honestly speaking dieting is not the right method to build your abs actually dieting is not necessary but eating right food at right time is very important.
I have seen many people who start dieting but not last for longer so if you want to start dieting you have to follow some basic steps.

first and the very important step is change your eating behaviour don't eat irregular.

consult your doctor before going for dieting.

breakfast is the most important meal of your full should take your morning meal whithin 1hour whaen you awake.
your night meal should be very light actually speaking very light then your whole day meal.

drinking at least 2 litre of water in a day is know water is the best source of your beauty well lot's of people claim this and i am one of drink as much water as you can.

intake as low calorie food as you can make  a list of food and buy only those food which is in your list.Don't buy any junk food or food which isn't in your list.


how to get six pack abs
 Contrary to what most trainers recommend, the majority of weight training exercises do nothing to burn belly fat and sculpt out a six pack. That’s why so many weight-lifters have big muscles and a big belly to go with them!.Training is the most basic need of building abs.regular training can helps you to build your abs quick and fast. A typical speed for traditional strength training is 1-2 seconds on the concentric (shortening) phase and 2-4 seconds on the eccentric (lengthening) phase. Superslow strength training is 10 seconds on the concentric and 4-5 seconds on the eccentric.Let’s take a bicep curl for our traditional training program example. When we lift the dumbbell up to our shoulder (concentric), it would take us 10 seconds to complete. We would make a smooth transition into the eccentric phase- lowering the weight back down to its starting point. That would take us an additional 4-5 seconds.

Thursday 21 July 2011


Well if you are reading this then it is sure that you want to loose weight right? but loosing weight quick and fast is't the good thing for your body and never does for can see example of many people who want to loose weight but quick and what is the result of it nothing,even many of them are hospitalized.
dieting tipsNow i will be very frank to you loosing weight isn't the easy job it required lot,s of hard work if you have completly made your mind then Best of luck?
Dieting well the word says it all Dieting many of overweight people are scared of this word many of them don't even want listen to this and why not it is a very dangerous word but only if you don't follow it properly.
I am going to tell you and will give you some dieting tips which will help you in loosing your weight.
So now follow these few tips carefully and loose your weight with dieting.

First and very important lesson of dieting is to choose your goal.first consult your doctor and and descide how much weight you want to loose.don't choose a goal that you can't achieved.
Take control of what you eat.There are few things that we have complete control over,but what we put in our mouth is one of them.we don't have to loose control in a restraurant or a friend's home,and we don't have to eat everything that put in front of us.
Eat your food frequently and slowly
Eat more fruits,vegetables,and more grains avoid junk foos and yes very important irregular food.
Eat more fiber.Cut down careful about sugar in coffee and soda can add up quickly,and these drinks aren't filling.
dietWatch for "hidden" sugar in processed foods like bread,ketchup,salad,dressing canned fruit,applesause,peanut,and soups.and be careful with "fat-free"products.sugar is often use to replace the flavour that is lost when the fat is removed.
Exercise regularly.people who exercise regularly not only lose weight faster,they are more successful at keeping it off.Exercise makes it possible to create a calorie deficit and lose weight without starving your body and slowing your metabolism.
At home,at gym,or playing sports,participate in both aerobic and strength building activities on a regular basis.not only does the exercise itself burn calories,but your body will continue to burn calories at a higher rate even after you're done exercising.
Unless you are excited to be following a very specific diet and exercise plan,do not try and cnamge too much too fast.If you have been eating poorly and not exercing,both your body and your mind will have a lot of adjusting to do.
Begin now you just remember what i say and you can loose your weight just be patience do regular exercise control your food habit and start loosing you weight.

Wednesday 20 July 2011


Summer Fitness Tips For Teens

There are so many things to do in summer.Now that the summer vacations is start teens have more time to give themselves.

some of them go out and take up a summer tips in order to get some extra cash to save up for college or to get that new wardrobe that they have been dreaming about.

some of the best parties are alsp held during the summer.after all,most of these are held at the beach,making it extremly perfect to scout some good-lookers or to showcase that beach party that you have been working on as you get that golden tan.

Getting during the summer months

Summer is alos the perfect time for many teens to get active and keep in shape.the sad thing is that while there are so many fitness tips for teens that are usually given out,many of these can be undoubtedly boring.
But keeping fit can be actually fun!you do not need to be stuck in the confiness of the gym to stay in shape.In fact,some of the fitness tips for teens found over the internet can be extremly enjoyable.

If you are looking to keep in shape during the summer,or want to use your free time during the summer to start becoming a bit more active,here are a few fitness tips for teens that you can try.

Take up a sport

More an more fitness tips for teens would encourage taking up some particular aport as a hobby to keep in shape.

As the summer time offers day after beautiful day of sunshine,it's a great time to try a particular outdoor sport that would get you to keep your body moving and sweat.

Getting involved in sports such as basketball,tennis,biking,wall climbing,swimming and other sport like this can do wonders to your body without making you feel worn dowm.

Aside from letting you use your body and burning up those is a perfect bonding session for you and your friends.

And because many of these sports can be enjoyed all year round.these could keep you fit and in shape not just during summertime.

Dance your way to fitness

If you love dancing in your bedroom to your favorite tunes,why not sign up for a dance class?certain dances such as hip hop,jazz dance and even belly dancing lets you work those muscles sepecially along the waist and hip areas while increasing your flexibility.

No need to spend grueling hours on the floor feeling frustrated with the number of crunches you would need to do everyday for that sexy top in your closet.

On top of getting fit,you can also learn a few new moves which would definetly make you the life of the party.Check in your centre or local gym for schedule of these classes.

Enjoy a fruit smoothie

One thing that is common fitness tips for teens found in magazines and over the internet is it's stress on keeping yourself hydrated.Apart from taking the usual 8-12 glasses of water a day,try a fruit smoothie for a change.

Many of the fruits that are in season during the summer not only contain large water contents,making them extremly refreshing,but they also packed with antioxidants and vitamin C,fruit smoothies made out of oranges,watermelons,pineapples,and the like help you remove toxins in the body making your skin glowing while keeping you healthy from the inside out.